Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam
Tue - Fri 15.00 - 20.00
Sat / Sun 12.00–20.00
Anarchief – exhibition of a growing anarchief with the Hamburger Community, among others, Hogus Bogus Publishing, Iris van Velzen, Alice Strete, Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, Philippa
Driest, Maoyi Qiu.
21 Dec
Happening #7 by Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community. The Monstrous Masquerade:
Reclaiming the Shadows, Unsettling the Streets; storytelling, crafts, performance, and ritual.
14 & 15 Feb
Happening #8 by Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community. Heart(break): The Final Battle
Cry, rage, laugh and rave.
Keep an eye on for more information!