Roodkapje logo

Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam
Tue - Fri 15.00 - 20.00
Sat / Sun 12.00–20.00


22 Jun
Happening: A. S. M. R. [Advanced Social Manner Refusal] by the Hamburger Community > juicy workshop, indecent performance & rude karaoke night, free entrance.
2–4 Aug
Anarchief Summer School, free entrance
every week
‘anarchief’ – Roodkapje’s new permanent expo of a growing anarchive with the Hamburger Community, Hogus Bogus Publishing, Iris Velzen and more. Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community of 2024 = Irene Cassarini, Julia Wilhelm, M.C. Julie Yu, Repelsteeltje and Tisa World.
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