Keileweg 18, 3029 BS
Thu–Sun 12.00–18.00
ongoing (Mon–Fri 11.00–17.00)
Sculpture Garden - open air exhibition at the sculpture garden with sculptures by Atelier Van Lieshout. Free entry.
25 Jan–24 Mar(extended until 21 Nov)
‘Verwoest Huis’ by Marjan Teeuwen
(New (semi) permanent installation)
initiated by Marjan Teeuwen and Lobke Broos/ROOF-A
25 Jan– onwards
Disco Inferno by Atelier Van Lieshout
Open: Thu–Sun 12.00–18.00
The Engineer’s Bedroom by Atelier Van Lieshout
1–22 Sep
‘Lust for Life’ – The Levenslust Academy, a social and artistic adventure in collaboration with Pluspunt. Curated by Fred Balvert (director of Science Gallery Rotterdam).
21–22 Sep
Groot Rotterdams Atelier weekend with Pluspunt and Brutus Lab.