Garage Rotterdam
Goudsewagenstraat 27
3011 RH Rotterdam
Wed - Sun 12.30 - 17.30
Garage Rotterdam is a vibrant non-profit exhibition center dedicated to contemporary art. Over a span of 1.5 years, it collaborates with a diverse range of curators to present three thought-provoking exhibitions. Each exhibition is enhanced by a thoughtfully curated public program that includes screenings, talks, music, performances, and readings, fostering a rich dialogue between various disciplines and artistic fields.
22 Feb - 4 May
Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn
‘Underdeveloped #2’ curated by Reza Afisina & reinaart vanhoe (ruruhuis).
Participating artists: 51 Personae, Collective Cartographies against Neoliberal Development (Serda Demir, Iliada Charalambous, Santiago Pinyol, Kari Robertson, Julia Wilhelm), Faizi, Kasi Graphic (Angga Cipta and Chad Cordeiro), (Studio) Lon Luna, Luke Murphy, mul-thee-fuhngk-shuh-nl, ook_anders, Rotterdam Atletiek Olympia, Sudan art panel (Hassan Omar Ahmad, Hassan Abbas Ossam Abdullah, Mohammed Abdullah, Yahya Adam), Take-a-Way, Tomi Hilsee, Vincent van Velsen, WdKA Autonomy Lab, Yingfei Li, Yen-Ting Kuan and Limestone Books, Yunjoo Kwak
Underdeveloped #2 is part of a series of three exhibitions over 2024/25 at Garage Rotterdam, challenging traditional notions of growth by highlighting diverse forms of art practices and working methods. Rather than emphasizing individual artistry, this exhibition series approaches art as a collaborative effort and one of building together. The exhibition focuses on alternative education, infrastructure, language and perspectives.
**28 Mar | Fri | 21.00 Art Rotterdam party
**2 May | Fri | 18.00 Natafelen: dining among art.
RSVP needed.